Knowledge / Inspiration

Unlocking Off-Season Success: Como’s Guide for Restaurants and Retailers

Today, we embark on a discourse concerning the distinctive challenges posed by off-season lulls and the precise methodologies through which Como can catalyze flourishing amidst such circumstances.  1. Diversify Your Offerings During off-seasons, consider expanding your product or service offerings to appeal to a wider audience. For restaurants, this could mean introducing new menu dishes …

Unlocking Off-Season Success: Como’s Guide for Restaurants and Retailers Read More »

Turning Lemons into Lemonade: The Art of Responding to Negative Reviews in Restaurants and Retail

Responding effectively to a negative review can salvage a customer relationship and even enhance your brand’s reputation. Here are some handy  tips on how to do so tailored for restaurants and retail businesses: 1. Personalized Apology and Solution When responding to a negative review, acknowledge the specific concerns raised by the customer and offer a …

Turning Lemons into Lemonade: The Art of Responding to Negative Reviews in Restaurants and Retail Read More »

Riding the Wave: Exploring Exciting Online Ordering Trends in 2024

In the ever-evolving landscape of digital ordering, staying ahead of the curve is imperative for restaurants and retailers alike. As we venture further into 2024, several trends are reshaping the way customers interact with businesses digitally. From AI-driven personalization to the rise of virtual kitchens, the opportunities for technology to influence traditional restaurant and retail …

Riding the Wave: Exploring Exciting Online Ordering Trends in 2024 Read More »

Turning New Year Resolutions into Revenue – Driving Customer Engagement with Data

As 2024 unfolds, individuals around the globe embark on a journey of self-improvement. From setting resolutions to lead more health-conscious lifestyles to deciding to be more conscientious of their finances,   consumer habits are in flux during the month of January. For businesses, especially those in the food and beverage (F&B) and retail sectors, these …

Turning New Year Resolutions into Revenue – Driving Customer Engagement with Data Read More »

Revamping Your Loyalty Program: A Refreshing Makeover for Summer and Beyond

In a landscape of ever-evolving customer preferences and constantly changing market dynamics, maintaining a thriving loyalty program requires ongoing adaptation and improvement. As the summer season winds down and customers gear up for a new chapter, there’s no better opportunity to refresh and enhance your loyalty program to capture their attention and loyalty.   Get ready …

Revamping Your Loyalty Program: A Refreshing Makeover for Summer and Beyond Read More »

The Secret Ingredients for Cutting Costs to Boost Restaurant Profitability

The Secret Ingredients for Cutting Costs to Boost Restaurant Profitability

Running a successful restaurant requires a delicate balance of providing exceptional dining experiences while keeping a close eye on costs. Successful restaurant owners and managers understand the importance of implementing effective cost-cutting strategies to enhance their bottom line without compromising on quality.  From optimizing inventory management to embracing digital solutions, let’s delve into the world …

The Secret Ingredients for Cutting Costs to Boost Restaurant Profitability Read More »

4 Ways to Leverage Customer Testimonials to Enhance Your Store’s Promotional Strategy

4 Ways to Leverage Customer Testimonials to Enhance Your Store’s Promotional Strategy

In today’s fiercely competitive marketplace, leveraging customer testimonials has become an essential tool for store owners seeking to promote their businesses and cultivate trust among their clientele. These testimonials offer a potent means to showcase positive experiences and feedback from satisfied customers, serving as compelling social proof that can sway potential buyers in favor of …

4 Ways to Leverage Customer Testimonials to Enhance Your Store’s Promotional Strategy Read More »

How to Respond to Customer Feedback: The Do's and the Don'ts

How to Respond to Customer Feedback: The Do’s and the Don’ts

Every interaction with your customers presents an opportunity to strengthen your relationships and enhance your brand’s reputation. When customers leave feedback, it provides valuable insights into customer perceptions, preferences, and pain points, serving as a compass for improvement and growth. Not only does feedback contribute to enhancing customer satisfaction, but it also empowers you to …

How to Respond to Customer Feedback: The Do’s and the Don’ts Read More »

4 Methods to Increase Direct Online Orders for Your Restaurant

4 Methods to Increase Direct Online Orders for Your Restaurant

The restaurant industry has undergone a significant transformation in recent years, with online ordering and delivery growing at an unprecedented rate. In fact, according to a recent report by the National Restaurant Association, online ordering has grown by a staggering 300% faster than dine-in traffic since 2014. With the pandemic further accelerating this trend, it’s …

4 Methods to Increase Direct Online Orders for Your Restaurant Read More »

4 Proven Strategies to Create Compelling Retail Window Displays, Drive Foot Traffic and Boost Sales

4 Proven Strategies to Create Compelling Retail Window Displays, Drive Foot Traffic and Boost Sales

If you’re a retailer or restaurant manager, you know that getting customers to step into your store is key to sales success. And one of the best ways to do this is by creating visually striking and engaging window displays. According to NPD Group Research, window displays influence purchase decisions up to 24% of the …

4 Proven Strategies to Create Compelling Retail Window Displays, Drive Foot Traffic and Boost Sales Read More »

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